Powerful Principles for Proper Practices

General Overview

Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 8-10

This series explores six powerful biblical principles that guide proper Christian conduct. Each principle reflects a different aspect of how believers can live in a way that honors God and builds up their community.

1. The Principle of Expediency

  • Key Question: Is it lawful according to God’s Word?
  • Application: Determine whether your actions draw you closer to God or push you farther from Him.

2. The Principle of Enslavement

  • Key Question: Will this decision enslave me?
  • Application: Avoid actions that lead to addiction or bondage, even if they seem harmless.

3. The Principle of Example

  • Key Question: Does this offend or mislead my brother?
  • Application: Be mindful of your actions and their impact on fellow believers.

4. The Principle of Edification

  • Key Question: Does this build up or edify others?
  • Application: Ensure your actions contribute to the spiritual growth of those around you.

5. The Principle of Exaltation

  • Key Question: Does this honor or dishonor God?
  • Application: All actions should reflect God’s glory and bring honor to His name.

6. The Principle of Evangelism

  • Key Question: Does my life lead others to God or away from Him?
  • Application: Live in such a way that your life draws others to Christ.